If you are new to therapy then it may all feel a little overwhelming. How do I choose a therapist? What will sessions look like? What can therapy offer me? The below guide has been put together in order to unpick the process and explain exactly how it works.
If you still have questions or if there is anything that hasn’t been covered below please feel free to Contact Me and I will be happy to assist.
Step 1: Free 15 Minute Consultation

I offer a free 15 minute telephone consultation so that we can see if we are a good fit for one another. You can tell me a little bit about what has brought you to therapy and what you hope to get out of it. I will explain a little bit about my background, how I work, and what our work together might look like. It will also be an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have or to let me know of an special requirements you may need. Here we also discuss availability to check I can meet your needs practically.
If we decide we are a good fit, then the next step is to arrange an appointment. Alternatively, if I am unable to meet your needs, I would be happy to refer to other sources of support.
First Session

During the first session we will initially go through our “Counselling Contract” – this is where we agree how and when we will work together. Then we have an opportunity for me to get to know you better. You can tell me about what’s brought you to counselling, what you are struggling with and for us to decide together how to move forward. This all takes places in calm, confidential setting via Zoom. I am here for you, the space and time is yours to spend as you wish, there is no pressure to explore any issues or situations that you do not feel comfortable with. You decide the pace and topic and you can decide to end the session or topic of conversation at any time if you are not comfortable.
Moving Forward

Now that we have established a relationship we will continue to meet for a 60 minute session once a week at an agreed time. Therapy is an ever flowing river and you may find that whilst one thing may have initially brought you to therapy, another theme presents itself as we begin talking. This is a completly normal and expected part of therapy so as the nature of the work evolves, our relationship and approach will evolve alongside it.
Taking A Break or Ending Therapy

You may decide that you wish to take a break from therapy. Sometimes it can bring a lot to the surface and you may feel like a break is required whilst you process. If you feel like you would like to take a break we can work through this together and agree upon a check in point where we can check in to see if you would like to pick back up with therapy. Or alternatively, if you would like to end therapy altogether that is also okay. It is important to note that this is your journey and only you can know when the right time is. If you do decide to end therapy it is incredibly helpful to the process if we have a “closing session” whereby we can have a proper ending.
How to Book

If, after hearing how the process works, you wish to book in for your free 15 minute consultation please contact me via phone: 07985382575 or email: danielle@talkwithdanielle.co.uk